In addition to a wide range of plants throughout the building (700 plants were sourced for this project), Plant Designs were asked to specify and supply a 6-meter tree for the luxurious café area. The tree, a Ficus alii, was handpicked from a nursery in Holland where it had been growing for approximately 25 years. Weighing around 500kg, the tree was pruned, wrapped and shipped to London. Once there, the tree was unloaded into a temporary pot and placed under supplementary lighting to help it acclimatise to the new environment.
However, the journey continued, as this was not the tree’s final destination.
The tree needed to be craned onto the 8th floor terrace of the building in bustling Liverpool Street, where it would be lowered onto the 7th floor by hand. It took a team of 20 people to carry the tree and place it into position, where it now stands green and proud!